Friday, 14 November 2014


For those of you that don't know, Pontypool club is running the final round of the Welsh twinshock series this weekend.
      The event, the details of which can be found below, is now all marked out and although the ground is very wet it is still rideable although it will be tricky. What surprised us most is that the water levels in the streams are not too deep although the banks are slick so if you have a new tyre maybe now is the time to fit it. A good long lap has been marked out using the wood on the far side of the venue as well as the stream and with any luck we might have a dry day.
Anyone can enter the event, modern or twinshock, but if you are an expert rider please be aware that only two routes are marked out, not the normal three although that doesn't stop you riding.
  Finally the club , as normal in trials, is still looking for observers so if you can bring one along and get yourself a free ride that would be great.